Lately I have been eating very simply, I cook some grains, beans and then eat most vegetables and fruits raw, eat some seeds, get b12 and vitamin D.
You can find out more about this way of eating from the book "How not to die". I like how simple it is and it leaves me very energized.
It is healthy to eat a large variety of fruits and vegetables to get all the needs, the more dark and colorful the foods are the more antioxidants they contain. People who make sweets and junk food abuse this and confuse our bodies.
I think we need to feel healthy and take care of our minds as vegans, because if we dont our activism for the animals will suffer and we won't be able to help them as much.
I care about the ethics firstmost, but health is also very important if you want to convey these ethics in the first place.
I encourage you to try those green foods which it would seem you would hate, if your vegan diet has a lot of junk food your body will start cleaning itself, eventually the green foods become tasty. Greens and berries are the best of all foods and their flavours are so intense! It would be great if the demand for them increased and that we focused on them instead of foods that do not make us feel well.
I do not judge you if you do not want to improve your health as a vegan, but I wish someone conveyed this information to me earlier.