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  • TeamTinoAnimalRights will be attending Mother's Day Street Outreach
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  •   Kompassion reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    TeamTinoAnimalRights created a new event

    Mother's Day Street Outreach

    Walking our inflatable Cow, Daisy and our Pig, Piggy-Lee around the Eccleston Street area of Prescot. Giving out leaflets, animal stickers and more.

    Every animal has a Mother and they should be allowed to stay with them for a natural length of time, not be stolen and slaughtered for humans to...
    Walking our inflatable Cow, Daisy and our Pig, Piggy-Lee around the Eccleston Street area of Prescot. Giving out leaflets, animal stickers and more.

    Every animal has a Mother and they should be allowed to stay with them for a natural length of time, not be stolen and slaughtered for humans to consume. Not to be stolen and sent to laboratories to be tested on for humans. Not to be stolen and trained to entertain humans. Not to be stolen and gave their skin ripped from them for humans to wear. Not to be stolen and used in many other ways, to benefit humans.

    Animals are here with us, not for us.
    29th Mar, 2025 12:00PM - 2:00PM
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