This is Nota's review of the movie "I feel pretty", I rated it 5 stars
#movie #self-development #confidence
This is a profound movie about a woman who is not conventionally attractive, and how her life turned around once a concussion made her feel conventionally attractive.
I feel like I need to reevaluate a lot of my memories, and the comments I received lately. This is a really good movie to face your shadows surrounding beauty. I received a ton of overly encouraging comments whenever...
This is Nota's review of the movie "I feel pretty", I rated it 5 stars
#movie #self-development #confidence
This is a profound movie about a woman who is not conventionally attractive, and how her life turned around once a concussion made her feel conventionally attractive.
I feel like I need to reevaluate a lot of my memories, and the comments I received lately. This is a really good movie to face your shadows surrounding beauty. I received a ton of overly encouraging comments whenever I felt good about myself to the point where they wanted to convince me that I had superior genetics to other humans, and to the point where people did not want to engage with my content, but rather just use my body. I did not stop to think exactly why they were engaging in self-hatred like that, and what caused it, but now I do. On the other hand I had people who acted like they liked me in a normal way, but then acted like I didn’t matter, and that they did not in fact like me, that my only value was my work, and what I produced for them.
This movie portrayed everything I needed to be portrayed. Lots of people say that everyone already knows how to love themselves so that they don’t need to read up on self-improvement or take the first steps to do it, but the more I engage in self-improvement content the more I realise that this is a language I did not develop at all growing up, and I can only develop it by engaging with it.
There are people out there who want you to succeed, and to be well regardless of how you look, and who you are. Unless you have that same confidence in yourself you will not be able to be in the same room as them. Everyone has unique gifts, and we were not meant to compete with each other, but help one another - collaborate, and contribute to everyone’s well being. It is sick how many people take advantage of this basic human need for connection, and use it to steal, and to spread suffering, convince you that life is all pain, and that animals need to suffer at our plates for no reason at all.
I refuse to believe that I am any different from any human being. I refuse to believe that words of suffering hold more power than the words of thriving. Everything I have experienced is a lesson, and I have hope that truly embodying these words will make others embody them as well, and if not I will still find my people. I have found myself.
#moviereview #review #nota'sclub #selfworth #selflove #selfcare #feelinggood #feelgood #motivating #motivation