((( >>> !!! VEGANS ONLY !!! <<< )))
are you a survivalist or prepper ? are you worried about the future of Mother Earth ?
have you ever dreamed of living in a tropical paradise ?
anyone who has a desire to Get Back to Nature is welcome !
we are seeking kindred spirits who love nature and wildlife to join us on our 26 acre Wildlife Sanctuary in the tropical jungle mountains on the coast of the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica .
Get Back to Nature and Enjoy !
please email us with your questions. >
[email protected]
we are willing to share our lil piece of paradise with folks willing to help with our projects, build their own lil house, or help us to build housing , and share resources.
our projects are :
to continue animal rescue as needed in our area
to continue longterm protection for the wilderness and wildlife on the Sanctuary
to grow organic food using permaculture and biodynamic techniques
to continue reforestation projects
for people interested in purchasing titled land , we have several lots available in the Sanctuary.
owner financing is a possibility.
within walking distance :
bus service to Montezuma and beyond
2 grocery stores
several Restaurants & Bars
beautiful rivers with pools and waterfalls
Isla Cabuya ( excellent for snorkeling on windward side )
Cabo Blanco National Park ( 8,000 acres of wilderness jungle forests )
Future Projects : open a vegan restaurant located in open-air butterfly gardens
Re-initiate conservation education programs in local schools
landscape projects to create or enhance existing wildlife corridors in our area
retreats & workshops to promote veganism