•   Caroline reacted to this post about 3 weeks ago
    These are my adorable bun-buns Jinx (the black bunny) and Magic (the white one). They are both girls so they fight a LOT 😂🐰🐰 But when they aren't fighting they are usually being all adorable and snuggly together like in this pic!

    Bunnies make great animal companions but they are often overlooked or mistreated 💔
    I think in general their needs are misunderstood. Bunnies are very intelligent and can learn commands, tricks, play games, they can also be littered trained which makes them great house pets. No tiny hutches in the freezing cold outdoors🙅🏻‍♀️ - all bunnies deserve to be safe and warm inside just like any other dog, cat, etc...💓🐇
    Comments (3)
    • oh my gosh i love bunnies so much 🐇😭 I cant wait to have a rescue bunny of my own one day. 🥰🐰I love their names too!
    • Gorgeous! 🥰
    • I've been considering working with bunnies some day. I've gotten involved in a few cases against ARBA members abusing rabbits online and spreading misinformation.
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