•   LukeV reacted to this post about 2 months ago
    This is a bit of a moral dilemma for me -being vegan but having a cat and feeding him meat - but i know that its what's best for cats since they are full carnivores. Personally id feel cruel feeding my cat a vegan diet knowing its not natural for them and could cause health issues. Obviously meat-based pet foods are still not optimal either as most of them contain all sorts...
    This is a bit of a moral dilemma for me -being vegan but having a cat and feeding him meat - but i know that its what's best for cats since they are full carnivores. Personally id feel cruel feeding my cat a vegan diet knowing its not natural for them and could cause health issues. Obviously meat-based pet foods are still not optimal either as most of them contain all sorts of cr*ap and even cereals/wheat/ gravy etc that isn't really part of a healthy diet for any animal. My last cat Harry became Diabetic from eating dry and wet cat food that (unknowingly to me) was full of processed wheat and other carbohydrates which cats just cant digest properly. 💔 In the end my vet recommended a raw meat diet for him 😭 I wish there were more healthy options for pets and cats especially. 💔😿

    Cats can be fed a vegan/plant-based diet. They can digest plant-based foods completely fine. There are plenty of vegan cat foods, wet and dry options. Some vets don't know anything about animals nutrition. There are plenty of vets that say a vegan diet for cats is completely fine. Look up sustainablepetfood.info, it's a site made and run by vets that support vegan diets for cats and dogs and has plenty of research data and info about vegan diets for both. Any diet can cause a cat health issues, how many cats get sick or die from non-vegan cat foods? Countless. There isn't a good study out there showing that a vegan diet causes health issues in cats, all the good research data actually shows the opposite. Any vet that recommends a raw diet, you should be wary of because not even the AVMA recommends a raw diet for cats or dogs. They advise against it because of how dangerous it is due to the high risk of dangerous and deadly pathogens and bacteria that can make cats very sick or kill them. Cats are domesticated and they can digest grains and such perfectly fine at this point. I'd argue a feeding a cat a vegan cat food is safer than a raw diet simply for that reason alone (the risk of pathogens/bad bacteria). I'd say get a new vet if they're recommending raw diets because the AVMA says they're dangerous and advised against feeding dogs and cats raw diets.

    This is very good to know, thank you so much for sharing Seitanic 🙌💚
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