•   HannahAdvocate reacted to this post about 5 months ago
    Nisan_vegan favourited the discussion, Forms of simple vegan activism
    1.Chalking ( A good location is a bus stop as it is protected from rain and a good message is a link “watchdominion.com”)
    2. Vegan stickers, you can stick them to meat products in the supermarkets.
    3. Wearing vegan clothes with animal rights messages on them.
    4. Social media posts, film whenever you are with other activists and upload a post whenever you perform activism. This way you will reach more people.
    5. Watch vegan documentaries, read vegan books. Write reviews and thank you...
    1.Chalking ( A good location is a bus stop as it is protected from rain and a good message is a link “watchdominion.com”)
    2. Vegan stickers, you can stick them to meat products in the supermarkets.
    3. Wearing vegan clothes with animal rights messages on them.
    4. Social media posts, film whenever you are with other activists and upload a post whenever you perform activism. This way you will reach more people.
    5. Watch vegan documentaries, read vegan books. Write reviews and thank you notes.
    6. Thank the activists who made you go vegan or helped you to stay vegan and support their posts.
    7. Ask supermarkets to get vegan products that you want to see added.
    8. Have chats with local politicians and people of whatever parties, give them the information about animal rights.
    9. Attend political animal rights actions (very little people show up once it is something about changing the laws, but it’s very important)
    9. Buy vegan options at restaurants and leave reviews. If you can get registered as a local expert on google your reviews will have more significance.
    10. Take care of your mental health, the more you thrive the more people will look up to you and care about your opinions.
    11. Leave vegan messages and notes for someone to find.
    12. Support local animal rights organisations.
    13. Create vegan events on facebook, a simple one would be to watch a documentary as a group or you could also cook vegan food and give it out for free.
    14. Create vegan art and make it about veganism.
    15. Give out vegan books at little libraries or donate them to a local library. There are human libraries in some cities, you can hold a talk in them.
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