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  •   Jasper_beaversarecute reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Just a couple days ago I shared a study proving eggs cause cancer and especially prostate cancer, which my husband was diagnosed with over three years ago. He's been cancer free for over two years. He's been buying eggs all along. I'd hoped he'd stop eating them but, there's a new carton in the fridge. It's so bloody aggravating and heartbreaking he doesn't truly love animals and continues to consume them. He's been making pork roasts too. It's disgusting. I've absolutely no respect for him....
    Just a couple days ago I shared a study proving eggs cause cancer and especially prostate cancer, which my husband was diagnosed with over three years ago. He's been cancer free for over two years. He's been buying eggs all along. I'd hoped he'd stop eating them but, there's a new carton in the fridge. It's so bloody aggravating and heartbreaking he doesn't truly love animals and continues to consume them. He's been making pork roasts too. It's disgusting. I've absolutely no respect for him. I love him but, no respect at all.
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    • Thats tough to love but have little or no respect and to see them harming themselves and others. Hugs
    • I'm so sorry you have to go through something like that.. my girlfriend isn't fully vegan like me but she's willing to make an effort to switch. It's difficult for her where she's at now (Which I understand, I struggled with going vegan myself for almost a year after I read about animal rights).I'm so sorry you have to go through something like that.. my girlfriend isn't fully vegan like me but she's willing to make an effort to switch. It's difficult for her where she's at now (Which I understand, I struggled with going vegan myself for almost a year after I read about animal rights). But she understands what happens in animal agriculture and she really does want to make a change.  More ...
    • I've nearly drove myself mad with this at times. My wife, my family and friends have all witnessed me being vegan for years now, know the reasons for it, and watched me thrive. Yet, they all stick to eating animal products. It's a difficult circle to square. Are they just cruel? Scared? I think theI've nearly drove myself mad with this at times. My wife, my family and friends have all witnessed me being vegan for years now, know the reasons for it, and watched me thrive. Yet, they all stick to eating animal products. It's a difficult circle to square. Are they just cruel? Scared? I think the only way to consolidate is to admit you can only control your own actions.  More ...
    • Grae I feel your anguish. None of my family or friends are vegan. If I go out to eat, I have to deal with the very few vegan items on the menu. My sister in law does make sure my Christmas presents are vegan and she'll get some vegan food for me if I'm going to her house for a get together. But,Grae I feel your anguish. None of my family or friends are vegan. If I go out to eat, I have to deal with the very few vegan items on the menu. My sister in law does make sure my Christmas presents are vegan and she'll get some vegan food for me if I'm going to her house for a get together. But, despite all the evidence I present, they all still consume dead animals and dairy. It's beyond heartbreaking. I don't have one iota of respect for them either. I actually consider my husband, family and friends evil. It's so hard being nice to any of them. And none of them will watch any of the vegan films no matter how I beg and how simple I make it by providing free links. They choose cruelty and ignorance.   More ...
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  •   Gina reacted to this post about 2 months ago
    I just joined this fantastic social network! So nice to be someplace where my beliefs are respected and to be with people who share my beliefs. Much love to everyone.
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