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Electric Cars Are an Environmental Hoax
Electric Cars Are a Hoax, an Environmental and Economic Disaster, and Impossible to Produce in Numbers Mandated by Pseudo-Environmentalist Corporatists... Think! 500,000 pounds of Earth must be moved to produce JUST ONE BATTERY! How much fossil fuels are needed just for that? The mining and processing of the needed lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese are a huge ecological catastrophe and health nightmare for the laborers! ...and then you take the car home, plug it into the wall socket and power it with fossil fuels... and brag about what a great Environmentalist you are... kinda like when the fake "animal rights movement" celebrates "cage-free" eggs as a killer "victory"... You want to be an Environmentalist? You Go Vegan! You want to be a better Environmentalist? You help others Go Vegan! You believe humans cause Climate Change? Fine - we are told Animal Agriculture is responsible for at least 51% of all human Greenhouse Gas emissions, more than everything else combined... You DON'T believe humans cause Climate Change? Fine - Animal Agriculture is killing the animals, planet, and us with deforestation, air and water pollution, water scarcity, resource depletion, soil erosion, habitat destruction, ocean depletion, acidification, and eutrophication. We all GO VEGAN - we free land the size of Africa for reforestation and species recovery! We drive Electric Cars - we go over a strip-mined cliff, maybe even AI-directed by Elon's algorithm command... https://youtu.be/K8Nz-4eEBTw?si=nr3VGa--KdXtXlQ5...
  1.   Started on Wednesday, 22 January 2025
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