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  •   Nota commented on this post about 4 weeks ago
    #veganbook #veganbookclub #veganreview #howtobook #meme #memes #shortbook
    #easybook #simplebook #book #comedybook
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  •   Megantrails reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Gay 🏳️‍🌈 Vegan 🌱 Liberationist 📢

    Speak up for them 🐷🐮🐔🫂

    Vegan book club 🌿📚

    Follow for motivation 😁
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  •   Theyoungvegan reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    This is Nota's review of the book "Voice For Animal Liberation: Inspirational Accounts by Animal Rights Activists"

    #cvegancommunity #vegans #veganicons

    It is so wonderful that so many different vegans were able to gather, and to voice out their contributions for the movement. It is encouraging that this book was possible. There are a lot of people in here whom I already knew as I spent much of the last year following fellow animal rights activists on social media. There are a lot of ideas...
    This is Nota's review of the book "Voice For Animal Liberation: Inspirational Accounts by Animal Rights Activists"

    #cvegancommunity #vegans #veganicons

    It is so wonderful that so many different vegans were able to gather, and to voice out their contributions for the movement. It is encouraging that this book was possible. There are a lot of people in here whom I already knew as I spent much of the last year following fellow animal rights activists on social media. There are a lot of ideas here on how to do activism as each of these activists have unique methods. It is a good book to check which parts of vegan activism resonate with you, and how you can contribute. There are some authors in the book which I will further check out.

    Good job everyone for spreading compassion, joy, and love. I love how many solutions, and advancements there are.

    #animalliberation#veganactivistss#animalrightss#animalrightsactivistss#activismm#sanctuaryy#buildingbridgess#spiritualityy #veganaction #animalsave #animalsanctuary #PETA #Catskillanimalsanctuary #elephants #helpinganimals #lovinganimals #caringforanimals
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  •   HannahAdvocate reacted to this post about 3 months ago
    Remember the love that is everywhere in this universe 🌱🌼☀️✨️🌼🌟😁🐮🐷🐔
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  •   MikeLee reacted to this post about 3 months ago
    Thank you universe for making me vegan ✨️🌼😁🌱🌿🐷🐮🐔🌟🌼🌿❤️😄
    Comments (2)
    • Thank you for waking me up to be Vegan.
      I was in the dark for many years 🌑, now I see the light ☀️🌱🌿
    • Truly a blessing! Being vegan is such a powerful way to align with compassion, health, and love for all life on the planet.
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  •   Ingrid reacted to this post about 2 months ago
    This is Nota's review of the book "A Philosophy of Madness: The Experience of Psychotic Thinking" by Wouter Kusters 🌱📖😁

    #philosophy #mentalhealth #thinking

    This is a work of philosophical thought in line with mad pride and patient liberation movements. These social movements are obscure and not much has come out of them compared to let’s say feminism. They try to destigmatize madness and get rid of harmful hospitalizations, confinements and forcefully injected drugs. These movements seek...
    This is Nota's review of the book "A Philosophy of Madness: The Experience of Psychotic Thinking" by Wouter Kusters 🌱📖😁

    #philosophy #mentalhealth #thinking

    This is a work of philosophical thought in line with mad pride and patient liberation movements. These social movements are obscure and not much has come out of them compared to let’s say feminism. They try to destigmatize madness and get rid of harmful hospitalizations, confinements and forcefully injected drugs. These movements seek to show that unlike how psychiatry paints other people that they are still in control of themselves and know more about what is happening to them than is commonly thought, what they try to express does have a certain logic, it is humane to hear them out and let them speak. People who define themselves as mad in this movement don’t see themselves as diagnosable nor suffering with ailments, but simply as people who have a different mode of existence, they reside in the emotional and reflective extremes. The book goes into those states in detail, capturing them from every angle and showing every method how to get to them whether through philosophy, religion, drugs or mysticism, perceiving or thinking.

    The book goes over how people express the same ideas and yet because of the way they present themselves some get locked up in wards and others get to be philosopher kings, queens. Our society unfairly judges and stigmatizes certain behaviors, depending on the environment they can get demonized or worshiped as sacred. The work goes through literature, history and references a ton of philosophers, pop culture.

    Insanity is an eternity, a singular point encompassing everything, the more dimensions it holds the more real it feels, sight, hearing, touch, taste, quantity, duality- expansion and contraction at the same time all work towards creating a more concrete image that escapes and repeats itself at any given moment beyond time and all limits. It catches you at a special moment and then your world is altered forever, it makes you see your own death at all times, besides the fear it brings is also ecstatic, curious, fascinating, and can be blissful or horrific depending on the person. In other words it is the mind trying to capture the impossible that can lead to lapses in judgment as is empathized in our culture, but this book argues that it can also lead to brilliant insights like any other tool. Besides we all try to capture something impossible as we all are mortal and our lifespans are limited, the concepts and beliefs we hold don’t make as much sense as we would like to believe, our language has flaws and limits just like all of our communication methods. The impossible of insanity is different as it seeks experiences containing the totality of everything, to live in a world where communication does make sense, where just by thinking actions happen, everything is abundant in meaning and happens for a reason, for the mad person to see. It is not a better, more efficient method, it is simply different and it makes these people experience life differently. Insanity blends thoughts and physical objects together, mad people can recognize whether what they see is real or not for the objects created by the mind are different in nature, they have more control over these objects than is recognized.

    I don’t think I am capturing all the elements and everything that goes into it, but we have this 800 page book for that which does just that as much as it is able to. If you want to truly understand it you cannot condense it into a definition, it is something that has to be conceptualized. It went through so much and made so many things about creativity, mysticism and life click for me, it connects so much and now I see how certain creators I love wrote their fictional universes because they used so many similar concepts and just highlighted them in different ways.

    While reading this book I randomly met a person who knew all about shamanism, they weren’t from here and they after the talk were about to get to another city. That experience was so surreal and I think induced some level of mania to me because I don’t really get to talk to fellow writers that have a similar style of writing that is very emotionally charged. I don’t know their name or how to meet them again at all, and it seems that they are constantly trying to get away from society in all sorts of ways so it is very unlikely that I will meet them again. But since I am weird I suppose I fell in love on some level and yet separated this connection at the first sign when I felt that they wanted to leave, I probably misinterpreted it. I feel quite ridiculous. I am not sure how our lives would have been compatible at all on a ton of levels if we did have a method of meeting, but I had someone to talk to about art in person which never happened to me yet. They had quite ridiculous plans, I loved them all.

    Another thing that happened is that while I just food poisoned myself so now this is day 2 of writing it since I just slept it off. I am not quite sure what mad people mean when they say they died which must mean I haven’t died. I had a lot of dreams where I died throughout my life, but I am pretty sure it is not the same. I wonder how you cope seeing your death all the time, I suppose it’s the same, just a bit of a different experience, if you take away something that something gets added elsewhere. Two days ago I walked barefoot through a large part of the town so they hurt now and I am now not sure if I will go to read about the philosophies of eastern religions now. There are so many books and so many perspectives that tackle the nature of reality, our journeys are all the same and lead to the same place even though they look so different. We might try to uphold our morals and have a sense of justice, but when you start thinking from such a wide and all encompassing perspective we all just are chest pieces on a board and without the opposition- evil traits there wouldn’t be any good traits.

    Everything is just how it is and I am not sure what to make of it or if there’s anything that you are supposed to make of it. Nothing exists yet you are supposed to act like it exists. Anyways, let's hope my review sounds like it was made by an intelligent and well off writer and that I attract energies which make me sound like a person who gets supported by their environment and communities. In the end the best places on earth might just be the same as the worst places if you shift your perspective and thinking a bit, but let’s pretend like it matters to me and like I will achieve things I want for no reason at all. I hope reading works like this attracts the beauty of uncertainty whether it is worth experiencing it or not, I will have to keep experiencing something so it might as well be this… for now anyways.

    I am not sure how to finish this review or how to structure it at all, it is very uncertain just how this whole book is. It is constantly getting at some point just how life itself gets at some point, but not really and it all just repeats and I suppose you can read this review again just to feel the high and the low points of it. At some point you will have to stop or existence itself will make you stop, but maybe it already is part of the eternities that some people are able to witness. Yes this review is part of eternity and it comprehends and captures it in its own way, it is just another cycle, you see this review everywhere and all the time, it is just that universal and yet personal because this time it is me who wrote it. The book makes me feel like I can actually put a lot more stuff to words now and write whatever I had in mind out without feeling as much pressure anymore, and whether that is true or not I suppose doesn’t matter. I will pretend that making sentences like this is totally socially acceptable if you review a book like this, this review has intrigued you and now you are reading the book because you have no choice anymore. There are no other options but to read this book because it is everywhere and you can see it everywhere, there is no escaping it. It is the maps, the streets, the cities, everyday objects and paintings, it is made of every substance, it is the black light and the white dark.

    #spiral #repetition #everything #nothing #all #oneness #duality #writer #writing #affirmations #shaman #miracle
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  •   Ingrid reacted to this post about 2 months ago
    This is Nota's review of the book "Eternal Treblinka" by Charles Patterson, I rated it 5 stars

    #eternaltreblinka #holocaust #theanimalholocaust

    This book contains gore, relatable activist backstories, the lowest sins of humanity described from a compassionate side. It has interesting views of God and existence and analyses works of an interesting author which now I want to read, haunting word images about which I will be thinking about.

    There’s no hope for us. We vilify and insult the...
    This is Nota's review of the book "Eternal Treblinka" by Charles Patterson, I rated it 5 stars

    #eternaltreblinka #holocaust #theanimalholocaust

    This book contains gore, relatable activist backstories, the lowest sins of humanity described from a compassionate side. It has interesting views of God and existence and analyses works of an interesting author which now I want to read, haunting word images about which I will be thinking about.

    There’s no hope for us. We vilify and insult the weakest and it’s been continuing since forever, we insult the weaker by comparing them to the weakest and since committing terrible atrocities we are determined to commit more. If we end one war then we humanely continue another, we sleep on the victims forever.

    It’s so wild how people do not see connections between all cruelty and somehow compartmentalise it so that it’s all separate. Violence against minorities is wrong and the animals are the biggest minority, people can’t get convinced that they are even the same as us.

    If we live in a society which treats its weakest people this badly then how is it strong at all? It’s a ruin, if most people can live with a logic error this big it’s hopeless to think that they are not committing all sorts of other cruelties all the time. They are not even doing the bare minimum.

    I am not sure how many meat eaters would dare to read this one, but this feels very supporting to read as a vegan. There’s a bunch of vegan/vegetarian history I knew nothing about in it and I suppose I should go on a journey to find out a lot more. I feel that animal activists books really speak to me in a voice like no other and that I should seek out more from it.

    I want to read books by vegans for vegans, it is sickening how many of the books don’t contain the basic moral of not eating the animals. I love that this book exists, I love that at least there are people speaking up about all the pain that animals go through and that they record it. The X-ray vision is real.

    Thank you so much for writing it and being a voice for the animals.

    #horriblethreatment #savetheanimals #horrificimagery #animalabuse #animalabusedepictions #slavery #controversial #directactivism #activism #veganfortheanimals #vegansunite #veganbook #nota'sclub #veganbookclub
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  •   LiamVE reacted to this post about 3 months ago
    This is Nota's review of the movie "I feel pretty", I rated it 5 stars

    #movie #self-development #confidence

    This is a profound movie about a woman who is not conventionally attractive, and how her life turned around once a concussion made her feel conventionally attractive.

    I feel like I need to reevaluate a lot of my memories, and the comments I received lately. This is a really good movie to face your shadows surrounding beauty. I received a ton of overly encouraging comments whenever...
    This is Nota's review of the movie "I feel pretty", I rated it 5 stars

    #movie #self-development #confidence

    This is a profound movie about a woman who is not conventionally attractive, and how her life turned around once a concussion made her feel conventionally attractive.

    I feel like I need to reevaluate a lot of my memories, and the comments I received lately. This is a really good movie to face your shadows surrounding beauty. I received a ton of overly encouraging comments whenever I felt good about myself to the point where they wanted to convince me that I had superior genetics to other humans, and to the point where people did not want to engage with my content, but rather just use my body. I did not stop to think exactly why they were engaging in self-hatred like that, and what caused it, but now I do. On the other hand I had people who acted like they liked me in a normal way, but then acted like I didn’t matter, and that they did not in fact like me, that my only value was my work, and what I produced for them.

    This movie portrayed everything I needed to be portrayed. Lots of people say that everyone already knows how to love themselves so that they don’t need to read up on self-improvement or take the first steps to do it, but the more I engage in self-improvement content the more I realise that this is a language I did not develop at all growing up, and I can only develop it by engaging with it.

    There are people out there who want you to succeed, and to be well regardless of how you look, and who you are. Unless you have that same confidence in yourself you will not be able to be in the same room as them. Everyone has unique gifts, and we were not meant to compete with each other, but help one another - collaborate, and contribute to everyone’s well being. It is sick how many people take advantage of this basic human need for connection, and use it to steal, and to spread suffering, convince you that life is all pain, and that animals need to suffer at our plates for no reason at all.

    I refuse to believe that I am any different from any human being. I refuse to believe that words of suffering hold more power than the words of thriving. Everything I have experienced is a lesson, and I have hope that truly embodying these words will make others embody them as well, and if not I will still find my people. I have found myself.

    #moviereview #review #nota'sclub #selfworth #selflove #selfcare #feelinggood #feelgood #motivating #motivation
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  •   HannahAdvocate reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    This is Nota's review of a vegan supernatural novel "Sigils & Secrets" by Whitney Metz. It is the first entry in the Black Magick series 🖤

    #fantasy #paranormal #supernatural

    Sigils and Secrets combines the supernatural, thriller like atmosphere and intensively focuses on the inner lives of its characters. Not only that, but it is deeply conscious of the environment and at the core it connects with nature and animal rights.

    It starts off with a character deeply smoking which signifies...
    This is Nota's review of a vegan supernatural novel "Sigils & Secrets" by Whitney Metz. It is the first entry in the Black Magick series 🖤

    #fantasy #paranormal #supernatural

    Sigils and Secrets combines the supernatural, thriller like atmosphere and intensively focuses on the inner lives of its characters. Not only that, but it is deeply conscious of the environment and at the core it connects with nature and animal rights.

    It starts off with a character deeply smoking which signifies their intense distress over events that happened. It creates an atmosphere similar to that of TV series, comics and it also has a survival element to it, focusing on all the supply gathering which reminds me of the zombie apocalypse genre although the scale of the problems is not on that level, at least not yet. It is gritty and violent, but also contrasts this with other moments that are joyful and picturescue.

    It’s a kind of story that’s right up my alley, although the only thing missing is that it’s not set in a fantasy world, it does have its own other world and I hope that it gets explored later. Magical elements inside grounded and mature stories are the best, I devour them. I hope to see more magic users as this series progresses.

    The main relationship in this first book got to me, it was so wholesome to read their dynamic that it hurt. The flashbacks were placed at the right times providing stark contrasts to bring out a ton of emotion. An interest in psychology shows in this book and some of the characters' backgrounds and the way their mental health problems are dealt with has these little details that could hit close home to a lot of people. Some of the characters are close minded in contrast to the main ones and they reflect the kinds of people you could meet in real life. I am curious what other social issues the series will touch on later on.

    I don't think there were moments that shocked me, but there were moving ones. The main lead Carrie usually says or does something relatable or says touching words. This book provides backstories and I hope they get relevance later on because they seemed purposeful.

    The vegan parts are the best parts. It is so wild for them to happen in such a story and it really makes me conscious of how many times I read stories and nothing related to animal rights happened. It is also so nice for the animals to be so recognized in a book, there may be even a stronger focus later, but one animal had quite a strong presence.

    This song in the novel captures the highlights well, it is a feeling that drives the whole plot and you can feel it linger everywhere:

    “There's got to be more than this
    There's got to be something else
    There's got to be more
    There's got to be more.
    I want to see strange sights.
    I want to see bright lights.
    I want to see more.
    I've got to see more.
    There's something hidden deep beneath the darkness.
    There's something there that I can't seem to find.
    It calls to me from somewhere in the distance.
    It tells me that the choice is only mine.
    I want to do brave things.
    I want to do great things.
    I want to do more.
    You know I've got to do more.
    I want to be wiser.
    I want to be stronger.
    I want to be more.
    Oh I need to be more.
    There are other worlds behind the one we live in.
    There are other worlds that we may never know.
    We cower lost and scared within our cages.
    Afraid to let the truth of ourselves show.”

    I am very excited to find out where the story is heading and what turns it will take. I hope more people give it a chance.

    #veganfiction #veganauthor #veganwriter #vegancharacters #vegancharacter #mainveganlead #magic #occult #pagan #naturemagic #greenmagic #nonbinary #cigarettes #smoking #nosmoking
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  •   HannahAdvocate reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    This is Nota's book review of "The Sexual Politics of Meat" by Carol J. Adams. I wrote it on may 9th, but decided to share it here on Facebook as well ! I gave it full rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    #animalrights #feminism #caroljadams

    Since I am developing a basic understanding of feminist theory, its language, I had so many personal revelations about language just from the prefaces of this book (There were 3 prefaces!). This book is about veganism even though the word vegetarianism is used, it is...
    This is Nota's book review of "The Sexual Politics of Meat" by Carol J. Adams. I wrote it on may 9th, but decided to share it here on Facebook as well ! I gave it full rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    #animalrights #feminism #caroljadams

    Since I am developing a basic understanding of feminist theory, its language, I had so many personal revelations about language just from the prefaces of this book (There were 3 prefaces!). This book is about veganism even though the word vegetarianism is used, it is also about feminism and their symbolic usage of meat. It as well contains lots of literary and historical facts about veganism which I never heard before which makes this an utmost delightful read.

    The sexual politics of meat is interested in the links of social movements and the injustices they seek to oppose, to dismantle thinking that only partly lets us get to a more ideal world. It is interested in connecting, uniting and strengthening us against the patriarchy and violent concepts that already have all the support and strength in the unawakened people. Being awake is being aware of the social justices so strongly that you cannot support our current systems anymore. You cannot think or read the same and your priorities shift onto different goals because you are so aware of the closed off world the ones who participate in the injustices live in.

    The links between feminism and veganism are everywhere, they are highly apparent, examples used are countless and the book couldn’t collect them all. If you are not familiar with the way feminists construct their arguments and aren’t vegan I would think this would be a challenging read for you because you might just not be able to accept some of these links. You have to recognize the concepts discussed in the book as harmful in the first place for your brain to make the dots.

    The most important fact about recognizing and hearing all those facts and analyses of old vegetarian literature is that we predominantly live inside corrupted imaginations of old, cowardly men, their horrible developed language and invisible constraints. We need to develop ways and take action to destroy their imaginations, challenge them so that they don’t get to do horrendous actions and then get away unscraped. We need to live in our own imaginations and give meaning in our lives to actions that actually matter regardless of how devalued they are in our current broken, polluted and settled society. We need to be conscious of our language to create a world that serves us all as fellow human animals and nonhuman animal beings.

    Examples of the terrible culture we created (These concepts build off each other like piles of corpses we leave behind!):

    Meat gets sexualized in advertisements and minds of men subconsciously through the normalisation of violence and the acceptance of war, men even inflict violence in their imaginations via meat through feminising it and using the labels of animals as abusive, violent slang. As long as there is meat there will be wars. Animal lives and importance are hidden behind the label meat, it lets people to forget the process the animal goes through to become meat. Meat has been long associated with virile symbols while women have been left with gardening and the vegetables. Instead of recognizing that meat comes from the animal’s flesh our society has created it as a symbol of power. Even though women were left off with better food, less meat they were historically told that they were weaker for it.

    Lots of feminists don’t recognize that using meat as a metaphor for their suffering invalides the suffering of the animals, but there is also a large number of eco-feminists who have eventually recognized this link. Lots of vegan activists could benefit from a familiarisation with feminist theory, it fills the gaps as to how to battle injustices and to not commit them further.

    I love this book so much! It introduced me to so many new voices and I have so many more books to read now. Instead of people deflecting on us about how we should care about other specific issues, how about we recognize that social injustices are more connected than it at first appears? How about we build concepts instead of demolishing them, and heal collectively instead of going backwards?


    “By the time Rush Limbaugh began talking about The Sexual Politics of Meat on his radio and television shows, I was inured to my work being an object of speculation. And when people buttonhole me demanding “What about the homeless, what about battered women?” and insist that we have to help suffering humans first, I am not thrown off by such assertive narrowing of the field of compassionate activism. I know that vegetarianism and animal activism in general can accompany social activism on behalf of disenfranchised people. I also know that this question is actually a defensive response, an attempt to deflect from an issue with which the interrogator feels uncomfortable. It is an attempt to have a moral upper hand. Only meat eaters raise this issue. No homeless advocate who is a vegetarian, no battered-women’s advocate who is a vegetarian, would ever doubt that these issues can be approached in tandem. In addition, the point of The Sexual Politics of Meat is that we have to stop fragmenting activism; we cannot polarize human and animal suffering since they are interrelated.”

    “Behind every meal of meat is an absence: the death of the animal whose place the meat takes. The “absent referent” is that which separates the meat eater from the animal and the animal from the end product. The function of the absent referent is to keep our “meat” separated from any idea that she or he was once an animal, to keep the “moo” or “cluck” or “baa” away from the meat, to keep something from being seen as having been someone.”

    “After being butchered, fragmented body parts are often renamed to obscure the fact that these were once animals. After death, cows become roast beef, steak, hamburger; pigs become pork, bacon, sausage. Since objects are possessions they cannot have possessions; thus, we say “leg of lamb” not a “lamb’s leg,” “chicken wings” not a “chicken’s wings.” We opt for less disquieting referent points not only by changing names from animals to meat, but also by cooking, seasoning, and covering the animals with sauces, disguising their original nature.”

    “Correspondingly, vegetables and other nonmeat foods are viewed as women’s food. This makes them undesirable to men. The Nuer men think that eating eggs is effeminate. In other groups men require sauces to disguise the fact that they are eating women’s foods. “Men expect to have meat sauces to go with their porridge and will sometimes refuse to eat sauces made of greens or other vegetables, which are said to be women’s food.””

    “As Jo Stepaniak explains the coining of the word in The Vegan Sourcebook, the impetus was finding a word to replace
    total vegetarian to describe vegetarians who do not use dairy products. The term prevailed over other suggestions at the time including dairybans, vitans, neovegetarians, benevores, bellevores, all-vegas, sanivores, and beaumangeurs. It was derived from the word vegetarian by taking the first three letters (veg) and the last two letters (an) because “veganism starts with vegetarianism and carries it through to its logical conclusions.””

    “The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary recognized the word vegan in 1962. At some point, toward the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, Microsoft Word’s spelling program stopped underlining the word “vegan” as though it were a misspelling of something. For any vegan writer, this was a moment of lexicographical liberation. The word veganism, however, took longer.”

    “For instance John Frank Newton’s The Return to Nature; or, Defence of Vegetable Regimen posits that the two trees in the Garden of Eden represent “the two kinds of foods which Adam and Eve had before them in Paradise, viz. the vegetables and the animals.” The penalty for eating from the wrong tree was the death that Adam and Eve had been warned would befall them. But it was not immediate death; rather it was premature, diseased death caused by eating the wrong foods, i.e., meat.”

    “Lappé argues that the land required to feed livestock would be better devoted to feeding humans.
    This was a longstanding vegetarian issue and its first traces appear in Plato’s Republic when Socrates tells Glaucon that meat production necessitates large amounts of pasture. Resultingly, it will require cutting “off a slice of our neighbours’ territory; and if they too are not content with necessaries, but give themselves up to getting unlimited wealth, they will want a slice of ours.” Thus Socrates pronounces, “So the next thing will be, Glaucon, that we shall be at war.””

    #thesexualpoliticsofmeat #intersectionality #absentreferant #feminist #activism #activist #book #bookreview #bookclub #veganbook #veganbookclub
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  •   Ashlyn reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    This is Nota's review of "The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-based Living" by Lindsay S. Nixon, I gave it 4/5 stars

    #plantbased #wholefoodplantbased #health

    I read this as I got a cold from relatives who do not care about their health as much, and reading this while that happened hits certain points much harder. I deserve to prioritise myself, and my health.

    This is an overall good read with a lot of resources, and links to find out more about plant based living. It is very short, quick,...
    This is Nota's review of "The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-based Living" by Lindsay S. Nixon, I gave it 4/5 stars

    #plantbased #wholefoodplantbased #health

    I read this as I got a cold from relatives who do not care about their health as much, and reading this while that happened hits certain points much harder. I deserve to prioritise myself, and my health.

    This is an overall good read with a lot of resources, and links to find out more about plant based living. It is very short, quick, and accessible, the language is very digestible. A lot of information is what you would find in more serious, dense plant based nutrition books, and they are references all the time. This is mostly that, but super compacted.

    I do feel like veganism could have been at least explained, had some screen time, and wasn’t brushed off. There was one page where the author describes Peta, and slaughterhouse videos as cringe. I do understand the sentiment that she wants to thrive, and be her best self, and that it has worked, but perhaps that wasn’t the most tactful. There was one instance where honey was suggested as an alternative. Then I am not the biggest fan of suggesting people to compromise with their non-plant based or non-vegan spouses. I feel like that’s like suggesting people to settle, and to not have their self-esteem in check. There was a part in the book where the author was so happy that her family prepared vegetable patties, and that it meant much to her. I am happy for that, but also self-esteem!!! Are these little accomodations really something we should be so excited by? I think that speaks volumes to our low mental health, and to what kinds of people we choose to be around. The bare minimum is not enough for me, and shouldn’t be for anyone else. I think that hiding being plant based as an allergy is a bit much, and there should have been some understanding that you can convey veganism, and animal rights issues in a positive, uplifting manner just like the plant based food.

    I nitpicked quite a lot in the last paragraph, but I do feel like that all adds up a little in not wanting to give this a full rating. Overall this was an enjoyable read, and I am glad it helped people to prioritise their health, and go whole food plant based at least. I find it so fascinating how a lot of shorter books while in theory would be easier to rate higher, it is really the long ones which I rate the best. The short ones usually throw in a few questionable things there, and there. This was mostly about nutrition, and how to get by with strangers a little. The nutrition part was good which was most of the book. I wish the author, and all the readers who improved their lives the best.

    #herbivore #cookbookwriter #happy #thriving #relatives #livingvegan #livingplantbased #challenges #communication
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  •   Ashlyn reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    This is Nota's review of "The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-based Living" by Lindsay S. Nixon, I gave it 4/5 stars

    #plantbased #wholefoodplantbased #health

    I read this as I got a cold from relatives who do not care about their health as much, and reading this while that happened hits certain points much harder. I deserve to prioritise myself, and my health.

    This is an overall good read with a lot of resources, and links to find out more about plant based living. It is very short, quick,...
    This is Nota's review of "The Happy Herbivore Guide to Plant-based Living" by Lindsay S. Nixon, I gave it 4/5 stars

    #plantbased #wholefoodplantbased #health

    I read this as I got a cold from relatives who do not care about their health as much, and reading this while that happened hits certain points much harder. I deserve to prioritise myself, and my health.

    This is an overall good read with a lot of resources, and links to find out more about plant based living. It is very short, quick, and accessible, the language is very digestible. A lot of information is what you would find in more serious, dense plant based nutrition books, and they are references all the time. This is mostly that, but super compacted.

    I do feel like veganism could have been at least explained, had some screen time, and wasn’t brushed off. There was one page where the author describes Peta, and slaughterhouse videos as cringe. I do understand the sentiment that she wants to thrive, and be her best self, and that it has worked, but perhaps that wasn’t the most tactful. There was one instance where honey was suggested as an alternative. Then I am not the biggest fan of suggesting people to compromise with their non-plant based or non-vegan spouses. I feel like that’s like suggesting people to settle, and to not have their self-esteem in check. There was a part in the book where the author was so happy that her family prepared vegetable patties, and that it meant much to her. I am happy for that, but also self-esteem!!! Are these little accomodations really something we should be so excited by? I think that speaks volumes to our low mental health, and to what kinds of people we choose to be around. The bare minimum is not enough for me, and shouldn’t be for anyone else. I think that hiding being plant based as an allergy is a bit much, and there should have been some understanding that you can convey veganism, and animal rights issues in a positive, uplifting manner just like the plant based food.

    I nitpicked quite a lot in the last paragraph, but I do feel like that all adds up a little in not wanting to give this a full rating. Overall this was an enjoyable read, and I am glad it helped people to prioritise their health, and go whole food plant based at least. I find it so fascinating how a lot of shorter books while in theory would be easier to rate higher, it is really the long ones which I rate the best. The short ones usually throw in a few questionable things there, and there. This was mostly about nutrition, and how to get by with strangers a little. The nutrition part was good which was most of the book. I wish the author, and all the readers who improved their lives the best.

    #herbivore #cookbookwriter #happy #thriving #relatives #livingvegan #livingplantbased #challenges #communication
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  •   Ashlyn reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    This is Nota's review of "Animal Rights" by Patience Coster, I rated it 1 star

    #animalrights #nonfiction #animalrightsmovement

    I picked this up for how short it is. It is a dispassionate account on the subject of animal rights where it feels like that animal abusers are given more consideration than animal activists. There are parts which frame animal abuse as something not that bad, it’s just that the author hasn’t done enough research, and doesn’t know enough about the practices. For...
    This is Nota's review of "Animal Rights" by Patience Coster, I rated it 1 star

    #animalrights #nonfiction #animalrightsmovement

    I picked this up for how short it is. It is a dispassionate account on the subject of animal rights where it feels like that animal abusers are given more consideration than animal activists. There are parts which frame animal abuse as something not that bad, it’s just that the author hasn’t done enough research, and doesn’t know enough about the practices. For example the animal testing part completely disregards that animal tests fail over 90% of the time. It doesn’t mention the alternatives to animal testing, and how much more successful they are. It is a shallow dive into the subject. It reads like a wikipedia article, and I do think the wiki contains a lot of this information. I thought this might be a cool pamphlet to give out to people at a party at first, but I did not realise that animal rights are not taken that seriously then. This book mostly is focused on animal welfare, but even fails to really drive in that welfare.

    Animal rights is a sensitive subject, involving countless lives, the biggest holocaust in human existence so I don’t really want the information regarding it to be presented in a less passionate way than chat GPT could muster. Perhaps picking this up would be a right step for some people to start caring about the animals, but I think it could also make a lot of people think that the subject is not as serious as it is. I hope the author gets more curious, and takes the steps to research more about animal rights as it is such an important topic, but I cannot recommend anyone to read this.

    #badbook #1star #animalwelfare #discussion #loweffort #animaltesting #vivisection #animalabuse #hunting #hunters
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  •   Ashlyn reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    My review of "The Sea Around Us" by Rachel Carson (Plus a drawing I made while reading it)

    #theseaaroundus #nonfiction #rachelcarson

    I finished yet another brilliant book by Rachel Carson, now dated, but a great account on the sea. Here you read about the deep ocean, how the waves are affected by various factors, the minerals of the sea, the temperature of the sea, the nature of islands. A lot of stuff I entirely forgot from my childhood or perhaps I did not pay much attention to the...
    My review of "The Sea Around Us" by Rachel Carson (Plus a drawing I made while reading it)

    #theseaaroundus #nonfiction #rachelcarson

    I finished yet another brilliant book by Rachel Carson, now dated, but a great account on the sea. Here you read about the deep ocean, how the waves are affected by various factors, the minerals of the sea, the temperature of the sea, the nature of islands. A lot of stuff I entirely forgot from my childhood or perhaps I did not pay much attention to the broader facts of the sea despite it being so fascinating. I do want to read about the oceans more. They are all around us.

    A lot of locations, names, and specifics went over my head, but I do not care too much to dwell over them when I am not familiar with a subject. Perhaps it is the novelty of the subject which makes me want to give a high rating. I love anything that challenges me, and I want to embrace that more, and more.

    I had more affinity towards certain subjects. I believe the animals, and the plant life fascinates me way more than learning about how people sailed the seas or used explosives to get info about the depths. I learned about the fragility of the islands, and how they are utmost incompatible with humanity. We do like to demolish anything unique, sensitive, emotional. The way we demolish nature is the way we demolish ourselves.

    I feel a very great affinity with people studying animals, and biologists. I was very drawn as a child to the most dark, and terrible aspects of humanity that nobody wanted to look at. And caring about the wild animals must be one of these albeit with a different kind of horror attached, the horror of apathy, and negligence. I need to return to this neglected aspect of myself, and revive it. That sounds very metaphorical in itself.

    Nature is all around us, but we don’t really explore it, and we do not really live with it. I need to be the change. I need to look at what I do, and what I can do. I am living my life, and following my interests. I live with myself.

    #sea #sealife #marine #islands #waves #ocean #theocean #theseas #deepsea #animals #life
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  •   JoePlantPowered reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    This is my review of "Feminisms: A Global History" by Lucy Delap

    #visions #writers #dreamers

    This took a long time to finish as when I started it I was disillusioned with the idea of feminism as some of the activists have disappointed me in person. But now that I continued it I was disillusioned with vegan activism. The text is so factual, dry, but the reactions it got out of me were so fiery because I just kept remembering real life instances, and the hurt that I experienced regarding...
    This is my review of "Feminisms: A Global History" by Lucy Delap

    #visions #writers #dreamers

    This took a long time to finish as when I started it I was disillusioned with the idea of feminism as some of the activists have disappointed me in person. But now that I continued it I was disillusioned with vegan activism. The text is so factual, dry, but the reactions it got out of me were so fiery because I just kept remembering real life instances, and the hurt that I experienced regarding activism. They both are great movements, and both bring a lot of value, ideas into society, but that doesn’t mean I will get along with everyone inside those movements especially when I am an artist who tries to create, and improve instead of replicating what exists. I had to grow up, and learn that. I clung to my ideas of everyone getting along so much, and paid the price for that. It was like being in a group of engineers, and yet they tried convincing me all the time that we would do art eventually when that wasn’t the case at all. Choose people who make you shine alongside them, not the people who use you as car fuel due to their lack of self-awareness.

    Regardless this is a very cool account on how all groups that called themselves feminist were as different as they can get. The parallels to vegan activists were so fascinating to observe, it’s basically the same thing in so many ways with a different make-over. Feminism is a way more popular movement, and at the moment with a way richer history so vegan activists can really learn from this. There’s the peaceful, and the direct activists, visions of Utopias, songs, etc. At any instance of the book I can’t help, but think of the vegan movement. Vegans aren’t that unified either, and there are a lot of fringe groups. Lots of people with contrasting beliefs from all sides of political spectrums.

    It is of great irony that some feminists called women the negros, and the meat. And even now plenty of feminists do not realise that the meat industry is wrong, they continue using the meat metaphors without realising it.

    I am not sure I want to continue with books like these because this does conjure a deep feeling of hopelessness in many ways. There are so many fights to fight, and most people don’t choose a single one, and even if they do choose one then they don’t support the others. I want to be in a better headspace + educated. I am ambitious. So anyways I will read even more hopeless books about factory farming as that would make the most sense for me to do. This is the only way I can face my traumas, and develop hope from them. Wait no, I could do this by creating as well.

    I read this book in Lithuanian in restaurants with vegan options, and I made sure to carry it around. The cover of it is pink, and it brought me immense satisfaction to do something like that. I also chalked some vegan messages in the park while I carried it. I remember I journaled, and summarised some of the book somewhere.

    One very motivating thing about the book is how a lot of activists were commonplace people with no support whatsoever, working terrible jobs for decades. It really puts life into perspective, and how it’s about what’s the best one can do in their given situation, not about how much one can achieve. It is the personal achievement which matters the most, and can only be assessed by the persons living their lives, not the outside. I am just a tiny dot within the collective, but that’s okay, and I can still try my best. I am never alone. I have myself.

    #feminism #lucydelap #nonfiction #history #feminist #activism #activist #dreams
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  •   Lunar52 reacted to this post about 4 months ago
    This is Nota's review of "Buy Yourself the Damn Flowers" by Tam Kaur

    This is a simple book on a subject I need to drill into my head. The way the author put some of her experiences, and recontextualized it was very relatable, and helpful because I am also a very obsessive personality when it comes to romantic relationships. Like probably most people as I see most of them have settled for something.

    This book puts you back to the centre of your life, and explains how it’s the only...
    This is Nota's review of "Buy Yourself the Damn Flowers" by Tam Kaur

    This is a simple book on a subject I need to drill into my head. The way the author put some of her experiences, and recontextualized it was very relatable, and helpful because I am also a very obsessive personality when it comes to romantic relationships. Like probably most people as I see most of them have settled for something.

    This book puts you back to the centre of your life, and explains how it’s the only reasonable thing you could do. If you don’t show up for yourself other people also have no reason to do so. In a bad headspace where you assign a painful meaning to your painful experiences you align with more painful experiences.

    I got so unbelievably happy with some of my connections, but really I should be feeling that way about myself, and what I can do for myself. It makes no sense to pour into a black hole and if I do - a vegan eco solarpunk utopia is definitely not on my radar, just saying.

    This book is about completely shifting your narrative, and making all the times you failed into victories, lessons for every action you do speaks volumes on what you actually want to pursue. It also reshifts it with interactions online, and how all these people don’t view anything from your eyes so every advice comes from a very limited understanding of your life. As I was reading this book I got a lot of negative comments on my selfies, and content, but I am starting to care less, and less. The insecurities of these people are becoming very visible to me, and really who are you if you focus your time not on creating, but demolishing content that’s not even made with you in mind?

    I really liked the angle of this book, and I am now thinking that the most narcissistic thing one can do is care what other people think. Every action which brings harm onto another person is not an act of self-love, and puts the power in other people’s hands. To want to harm someone you have to care about them or what they represent or have some sort of unresolved inner issue which is completely unrelated to the situation.

    I love me, it is okay. I will take myself on dates, and love reading books. This gave me some solo date ideas. Another really good advice that stuck with me was managing my social media feed, I will never see all those “narcissism traits”, and “things narcissists say” posts again. Thank God. I was very sick of my feed, and I just did not want to curate it for some reason. But I will curate all my social media, I need it to at least attempt to cheer me up, I already learn, and educate myself from books.

    Yay, what a great investment. Thank you for reading, and I hope you invest in yourself more too.

    #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #selfworth #selflove #solodate #journaling #meditation #habits #journey
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  •   CambriaFreesia8.0 commented on this post about 5 months ago
    "My Gentle Barn"

    Vegan book review, full rating -> perfect 💙

    #thegentlebarn #EllieLaks #JayLWeiner

    I loved this story so much! It showcases the good of humanity so much! This book at first took me like a storm with how honestly Ellie’s brutal childhood was told. I love how once she got into a drug addiction she had no choice anymore but to start living her best life little by little because that’s the only thing tolerable after living in a drug induced dreamland! I love how she has such...
    "My Gentle Barn"

    Vegan book review, full rating -> perfect 💙

    #thegentlebarn #EllieLaks #JayLWeiner

    I loved this story so much! It showcases the good of humanity so much! This book at first took me like a storm with how honestly Ellie’s brutal childhood was told. I love how once she got into a drug addiction she had no choice anymore but to start living her best life little by little because that’s the only thing tolerable after living in a drug induced dreamland! I love how she has such an amazing connection to nature, the animals, and how spiritual it all is! I love how much bravery, and stubbornness Ellie had to make Gentle Barn into a reality!

    It is so exciting to read about the animals, and hear snippets of their lives, how they got named, how sometimes they get into trouble! I mean this is the animals! They are so cute, and warm! This book elevates your energy levels! I mean it can also depress you though because most of these animals had to come from terrible environments, factory farms, the worst of conditions.

    I love how one of the first things Ellie tried out was therapy on foster care children, and how it all just intuitively came into being! I definitely want to read more animal sanctuary stories! They should have a way bigger audience because this is a perfect format for these adventures with the animals. This is so much better than lots of mass produced fake happy books, this contains real happiness, and integrity! It can teach people to follow their own guidance, and love themselves!

    I saw some reviews call this too self-serving, and I thought being self-serving was viewed as a good thing? Regardless of whether it is good or not it is something we must do as a society, we must be sensitive enough to follow our dreams to this extent in order to have a healthy, and functioning society. Our current society has abandoned sensitivity, the animals, our emotional guidance system. Emotions are important! They tell us what to do, and what we do not want in our personal expansions, journeys, they lead us to what is right for us.

    This is the kind of book which reignites my hope for humanity! Thank you for writing it, and I want to thank myself for reading it, because I have been through so many stories which did not develop me as a person, but this book definitely encourages me to be connected to the animals, and to seek them out, seek to understand them. I want animals, nature to be a bigger part of my life!

    Thank you!

    #mygentlebarn #veganbook #bookclub #veganbookclub #bookreview #veganreview
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  •   Theyoungvegan reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    "Milked" review, full rating 🖤🤍

    This documentary was very similar to Cowspiracy, but it genuinely only focused on cows. The plotline had some similarities, I suppose all the “I discover an industry” plotlines are a bit staged for viewer entertainment, it’s all good.

    I took away some new facts like that milk is 87% water, I feel like I should have heard this, but this time it stood out. Also milk production wastes 96% of resources, amazing.

    This documentary focuses a lot on how the big...
    "Milked" review, full rating 🖤🤍

    This documentary was very similar to Cowspiracy, but it genuinely only focused on cows. The plotline had some similarities, I suppose all the “I discover an industry” plotlines are a bit staged for viewer entertainment, it’s all good.

    I took away some new facts like that milk is 87% water, I feel like I should have heard this, but this time it stood out. Also milk production wastes 96% of resources, amazing.

    This documentary focuses a lot on how the big industries are not open about their practices, how much it takes to get the answers, and that you get in danger by spreading the truth.

    It mentioned a ton of alternatives to milk we have, and how the milk tycoon is bound to fall down as it is so unprofitable, unlogical, and wasteful. It mentions milk without cows, but that one is a bit weird. I agree with vegans who do not want lab grown meats, and stuff like that to overthrow our moral concerns. Lab grown stuff is an obvious improvement to slaughterhouses, but it’s not completely ethical, and doesn’t solve how unhealthy it all is. Most importantly are the ethical concerns of how you need to kill some animals to get their specific cells, but I would say health is important too so that our minds do not erode from old age as fast, and that we make more rational decisions.

    This film takes place in New Zealand, so it discusses these problems within the context of New Zealand. It’s cool to have films like this all over the world.
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  •   Nota commented on this post about 6 months ago
    Food Inc is an amazing documentary on our food production. There’s a lot of slaughterhouse footage at the start, and a very creative shot of the supermarket. A large part of the documentary is how produce gets to the markets as well.

    I learned that most of our junk food is corn. How mass production of corn led to really non-nutritious foods to be cheaper, and widely consumed. These foods have calories, but they do not have vitamins.

    This documentary makes it clear how most of our food is...
    Food Inc is an amazing documentary on our food production. There’s a lot of slaughterhouse footage at the start, and a very creative shot of the supermarket. A large part of the documentary is how produce gets to the markets as well.

    I learned that most of our junk food is corn. How mass production of corn led to really non-nutritious foods to be cheaper, and widely consumed. These foods have calories, but they do not have vitamins.

    This documentary makes it clear how most of our food is owned by only a few companies, and how they are controlling, and scaring everyone. A huge part of it is discussing law making. There is this mother of a child who ate 3 hamburgers, and then died from getting sick. She is speaking up for people so that such accidents don’t happen.

    Unhealthy food companies love to get out laws which obscure, and remove the knowledge from the consumers, they remove the labels, the ingredient lists to “not scare the people”. We increasingly became more ignorant about our food, and where it comes from, who is behind it. Companies feed cows corn even though they do not naturally eat it so they develop complications. It gets shown how unsanitary, crowded, and faeces filled murder production is.

    This documentary really shows how companies have these farmers on leashes, and how they do not care about their health, safety - they actively put them in debts, and pretty much own them. Just speaking up about anything can put you in court, these companies can sue you just for fun because they can.

    I loved seeing organic producers, and that there was an alternative to supermarkets. This is a 2008 documentary, so I wonder how anyone would make a similar one, and what information would be focused more on. This was brilliant, and I want to read the books of the authors which were featured. In a way I see a lot of the same authors everywhere which I suppose showcases how niche vegan academia still is which I don’t like. I definitely need to get more into it to understand or say anything about that tho haha.

    #foodinc #documentary #vegandocumentary #plantbased #nutrition #foodproduction #corn #veganic #foodcompanies #coruption
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    • I will watch this, thanks for sharing Nota
    • MikeLee There is a 2023 version too called Food Inc 2, I will watch it at as well some other time 🌱🌿🍀☘️🦋💐💝🦋🌱🍀🌿
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  •   MikeLee reacted to this post about 6 months ago
    The Game Changers is so information packed, the visuals are gorgeous, it is a very well filmed documentary. I love how it unpacks veganism from a new angle unlike a lot of repetitive vegan documentaries. It is the definition of converting someone by example as every person in it is thriving (well maybe not a dying grandpa).

    There are a couple studies in the middle of it which will turn off an ethical vegan as they are conducted with non-vegan meals. But scaring people about losing...
    The Game Changers is so information packed, the visuals are gorgeous, it is a very well filmed documentary. I love how it unpacks veganism from a new angle unlike a lot of repetitive vegan documentaries. It is the definition of converting someone by example as every person in it is thriving (well maybe not a dying grandpa).

    There are a couple studies in the middle of it which will turn off an ethical vegan as they are conducted with non-vegan meals. But scaring people about losing erections, and getting their blood muddy because of murder consumption is probably good!

    I love how easily, and clearly it presents the information about nutrients. Explains how everyone needs b12, and how plant protein is superior.

    It is fun hearing about all the athletes, and they are obviously highly regarded people in our society for their commitment to overly specific physical skills. All athletes have experienced tremendous advantages from a plant based diet. I really liked how there was a lady who cooked for a whole sports team custom meals, it seemed so wholesome.

    #gamechangers #thegamechangers #sports #nutrition #athlete #documentary #vegandocumentary #b12 #protein
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  •   StellaParis reacted to this post about 6 months ago
    Love, love, love, love fellow vegans, people who can look truth in the eyes, and still share love 🌱☘️🌿🍀💚🐷🐮🐔
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  •   ParkiAl reacted to this post about 6 months ago
    This is a review of the documentary "Food Choices" ☺️🌱

    Food Choices mostly focuses on the science behind eating a plant based diet, but then goes on to elaborate on the environment, and then the ethics. I learned that too much protein damages the body, and that fish oil doesn’t help with omega 3 at all. Animal flesh is full of omega 6 which causes a disbalance of omegas within our body. I love how even now I can still find new faults about the murder diet. Apparently all the low carb diets...
    This is a review of the documentary "Food Choices" ☺️🌱

    Food Choices mostly focuses on the science behind eating a plant based diet, but then goes on to elaborate on the environment, and then the ethics. I learned that too much protein damages the body, and that fish oil doesn’t help with omega 3 at all. Animal flesh is full of omega 6 which causes a disbalance of omegas within our body. I love how even now I can still find new faults about the murder diet. Apparently all the low carb diets are similar, but they gave them different names.

    This documentary features a lot of vegan authors, it’s basically science after science. There were some cool vegan athletes. I feel like a lot of vegan documentaries use a very similar formula, and that it would be way more beneficial to differentiate, and cover different topics like sentience, animal biology, and diversity.

    I love that it is free on youtube like a lot of vegan documentaries. This is easily accessible, informational, straight to the point, no nonsense. Lots of people can benefit from this, and it promotes a low-fat wfpb diet which is the best diet. This is a low budget, let the experts talk documentary.

    #wfpb #wholefoodplantbased #vegandocumentary #vegandoc #freeonyoutube #science #plantbasednutrition
    #vegannutrition #nutrition
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  •   LukeV reacted to this post about 6 months ago
    A review of the “Big Max” documentary

    I am glad it was made, but my observation is that it has little direction, and that you are left with making your own conclusion with not that much vegan education thrown in.

    There are a lot of people like Max, and having such a person can inspire other people just like him to ask themselves questions about what they are eating. This is throwing light on the dysfunctions, and people with these dysfunctions making them harder for society to avoid, and...
    A review of the “Big Max” documentary

    I am glad it was made, but my observation is that it has little direction, and that you are left with making your own conclusion with not that much vegan education thrown in.

    There are a lot of people like Max, and having such a person can inspire other people just like him to ask themselves questions about what they are eating. This is throwing light on the dysfunctions, and people with these dysfunctions making them harder for society to avoid, and go into denial about. It is good to see that, but also it would be great to throw light on why these dynamics happen, and why people end up overweight in the first place, what the food industries do to get you hooked so that the viewers get a better sense of reality.

    This is such a frightening window into the shame of our society. You have this individual in this documentary who is completely separated from themselves, their addictions, and self-abandonment is completely supported by their environment. This completely showcases the gaslighting, cognitive dissonance, and apathy of our society. He is a walking trauma bag, and everyone enjoys being around him because they are just like him internally, their emotional world is just as damaged. None of these people are aware of this, and this level of dysfunction is normal for them. The way others treat him is also completely internalised, the part of him that feels lonely is so buried away that he cannot even point out any negative emotions that he is feeling. Every human feels negative emotions, it is a complete disconnection from feeling to be unable to point them out within oneself. Those people around him are also struggling with feeling their negative emotions, that’s why they are all friends, that’s why it all “works out” so well for all of them.

    Max needed deep healing, and psychological help to change food habits. They completely did not approach it from ethics, and the support, connection they got from this documentary, which is totally the main reason why someone would go vegan in these circumstances, most likely will be gone after it. The reason why someone goes overweight is because of deep psychological trauma, and issues. Fixing surface level symptoms like the diet doesn’t help, once the supportive environment is gone there is no reason to not revert to old habits. While I love all sorts of vegan activism, and methods this is too much off-hands for the viewer when most people viewing this won’t be vegan. It can be easy to brush off the impact, and the message of this documentary for non-vegans.

    It is concerning to end this documentary with camera shots of meat, and how much this person enjoyed it. It is disturbing how the smoking addiction is completely unaddressed. It seems that in order to stop the meat addiction they overfocused on other addictions instead. Letting people do what they want can be greatly healing, but I don’t think Max knew what eating animals truly entails, and this is a vegan documentary. At least some commentary on the nuances of this complex topic would have been nice, people don’t really know what to do with the darker aspects of themselves that get displayed in the media, and covering them is important to make people understand as much as possible.

    In conclusion I love that this documentary brings light to the problems, but I don’t see the right steps to solve them or steps that could greatly impact as many people as it possibly could. I want people like Max happy, thriving, and not in basements. I hope we start waking up to our shadows, and loving the parts of ourselves that we do not want to see. I get that this documentary was made with the best resources, and intentions in mind.
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