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  •   CambriaFreesia8.0 commented on this post about 1 week ago
    "My Gentle Barn"

    Vegan book review, full rating -> perfect 💙

    #thegentlebarn #EllieLaks #JayLWeiner

    I loved this story so much! It showcases the good of humanity so much! This book at first took me like a storm with how honestly Ellie’s brutal childhood was told. I love how once she got into a drug addiction she had no choice anymore but to start living her best life little by little because that’s the only thing tolerable after living in a drug induced dreamland! I love how she has such an amazing connection to nature, the animals, and how spiritual it all is! I love how much bravery, and stubbornness Ellie had to make Gentle Barn into a reality!

    It is so exciting to read about the animals, and hear snippets of their lives, how they got named, how sometimes they get into trouble! I mean this is the animals! They are so cute, and warm! This book elevates your energy levels! I mean it can also depress you though because most of these animals had to come from terrible environments, factory farms, the worst of conditions.

    I love how one of the first things Ellie tried out was therapy on foster care children, and how it all just intuitively came into being! I definitely want to read more animal sanctuary stories! They should have a way bigger audience because this is a perfect format for these adventures with the animals. This is so much better than lots of mass produced fake happy books, this contains real happiness, and integrity! It can teach people to follow their own guidance, and love themselves!

    I saw some reviews call this too self-serving, and I thought being self-serving was viewed as a good thing? Regardless of whether it is good or not it is something we must do as a society, we must be sensitive enough to follow our dreams to this extent in order to have a healthy, and functioning society. Our current society has abandoned sensitivity, the animals, our emotional guidance system. Emotions are important! They tell us what to do, and what we do not want in our personal expansions, journeys, they lead us to what is right for us.

    This is the kind of book which reignites my hope for humanity! Thank you for writing it, and I want to thank myself for reading it, because I have been through so many stories which did not develop me as a person, but this book definitely encourages me to be connected to the animals, and to seek them out, seek to understand them. I want animals, nature to be a bigger part of my life!

    Thank you!

    #mygentlebarn #veganbook #bookclub #veganbookclub #bookreview #veganreview
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  •   Nisan_vegan reacted to this post about 3 weeks ago
    "Milked" review, full rating 🖤🤍

    This documentary was very similar to Cowspiracy, but it genuinely only focused on cows. The plotline had some similarities, I suppose all the “I discover an industry” plotlines are a bit staged for viewer entertainment, it’s all good.

    I took away some new facts like that milk is 87% water, I feel like I should have heard this, but this time it stood out. Also milk production wastes 96% of resources, amazing.

    This documentary focuses a lot on how the big industries are not open about their practices, how much it takes to get the answers, and that you get in danger by spreading the truth.

    It mentioned a ton of alternatives to milk we have, and how the milk tycoon is bound to fall down as it is so unprofitable, unlogical, and wasteful. It mentions milk without cows, but that one is a bit weird. I agree with vegans who do not want lab grown meats, and stuff like that to overthrow our moral concerns. Lab grown stuff is an obvious improvement to slaughterhouses, but it’s not completely ethical, and doesn’t solve how unhealthy it all is. Most importantly are the ethical concerns of how you need to kill some animals to get their specific cells, but I would say health is important too so that our minds do not erode from old age as fast, and that we make more rational decisions.

    This film takes place in New Zealand, so it discusses these problems within the context of New Zealand. It’s cool to have films like this all over the world.
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  •   Nisan_vegan reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Nota replied to a discussion, Hi! 💜🌱
    I invited Rebecca 😊🕊 It's good to see more vegans joining ☘️🌱🍀🦋
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  •   Nisan_vegan reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Nota started a new discussion, Vegan mind 🦋🐔🐷🐮🌱
    Vegan mind 🦋🐔🐷🐮🌱

    It is important to take care of one’s mind with good food or that mind won’t have any fuel to create value. Fasting, and dieting fasts your ideas out of your grasp. Focusing on social media, latest gossip, non-vegans bickering...

    It is important to take care of one’s mind with good food or that mind won’t have any fuel to create value. Fasting, and dieting fasts your ideas out of your grasp. Focusing on social media, latest gossip, non-vegans bickering instead of food will deplete you of life, and the present moment.

    You don’t have to have all the facts, and develop your own activism methods if you don’t want to understand the human heart, and how to reach out to it with compassion. Both the mind, and the feelings are important - if you neglect one the other will suffer. Curiosity, knowledge, and feelings all are virtues. There is a specific demographic of spiritual people who reject the mind completely, and there are even more people who have forgotten that they have feelings.

    It is ridiculous how many people choose to inscribe moral significance on appearance, instead of helping themselves, and others. It is important how you look, because you want to look healthy, feel healthy, and live healthy. You want to want to live your life. Why are we alienating ourselves from want, and then act like this society is not traumatised?

    There are so many apathetic, settled people. I know that most of them currently won’t care about the animals, because they don’t even care about their own lives. It is important to foster your own self-care so that other people can extend it to the animals as well. We hate nature, and if we develop no self-awareness, and mind to ask “why? we will continue to be stuck. Make people question themselves, and why they do things the way they do them. Raise awareness not just within the context of the animals so that the widest of possible demographics start improving in all areas.

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  •   Nisan_vegan reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Nota replied to a discussion, Hi! 💜🌱
    Hello 🌱🦋🐮🐷🐔
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  •   MikeLee reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Nota started a new discussion, Healthy vegan
    Healthy vegan

    Health is seen as something shallow, and unimportant, but without it we couldn’t do our tasks.

    Health is more important than beauty. Healthy people look beautiful. Healthy people can take care of others, and inspire...

    Health is seen as something shallow, and unimportant, but without it we couldn’t do our tasks.

    Health is more important than beauty. Healthy people look beautiful. Healthy people can take care of others, and inspire health around them.

    It is important to notice how a lot of foods we eat for comfort don’t actually bring comfort. Bring your awareness to the front, and notice how the preservatives in food corrupt your bloodstream, and clog your pores. Notice the effects the access salt has on your brain.

    Picking up a fruit or berry as a snack instead of all the alternatives keeps your body happy.

    Dehydrated, excessively cut up, oiled up, and fiberless foods confuse your body, they tire it, and make it focus on unsatisfying tasks.

    The more mental clarity you bring into your life the easier it is to eat healthy foods because healthy foods are actually the yummiest of foods.

    Being unhealthy clogs up your mind, and destroys your reasoning.

    Watch the documentary Food Inc to see where your food comes from, and who owns it.

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  •   Nisan_vegan reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Nota started a new discussion, A Vegan Utopia 🌱
    A Vegan Utopia 🌱
    What's your vision of a vegan utopia? 🌱Write it down so that it becomes more possible. Here is mine-


    In my dream I surround myself with sanctuaries, because I’m filming a documentary about sanctuary animals there. I eat...
    What's your vision of a vegan utopia? 🌱Write it down so that it becomes more possible. Here is mine-


    In my dream I surround myself with sanctuaries, because I’m filming a documentary about sanctuary animals there. I eat lots of food with decorative flowers, and establish libraries which take care of everyone’s needs - Food, clothing, distribution, and entertainment. The word vegan isn’t used because there are no farmed animals, there are no criminals, and there are no people who would hurt the animals because everyone does shadow work here.

    The vibration of the world here rises every single day, the Earth itself is in the process of stabilisation. You see floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tornadoes are just the emotions of the planet. As the inhabitants get more stable there is less reason for the planet to lash out. The animals we called carnivores have completely disappeared as they do not match the frequency of humanity anymore. Every animal has gotten more friendly, and soft because of humanity’s efforts. Good job, humanity! Instead of making fun of itself now it practises gratitude daily.

    Instead of working to survive we now work because it is fun to see the Earth improve. It is fun to establish new kinds of gardens, and find new varieties of plants. It is so cool to prioritise exploration, and the study of the planet that we live in! We figured out how to explore the oceans completely. We thought that far away space travel was impossible, but it’s so funny how far away the power of empathy can get you. Instead of going to Mars we will now be able to travel much farther away because we prioritised the health of our own planet!

    When I look back at the history of humanity it is so silly how we put all relationships at the back burner, and thought that they should be used to advance our careers. It’s funny how we became unstoppable once we made sure to accept everyone, and let them feel the way they felt. It’s almost as if there was nothing wrong with humanity in the first place, we just had to learn how to get along.

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  •   Nota commented on this post about 1 month ago
    Food Inc is an amazing documentary on our food production. There’s a lot of slaughterhouse footage at the start, and a very creative shot of the supermarket. A large part of the documentary is how produce gets to the markets as well.

    I learned that most of our junk food is corn. How mass production of corn led to really non-nutritious foods to be cheaper, and widely consumed. These foods have calories, but they do not have vitamins.

    This documentary makes it clear how most of our food is owned by only a few companies, and how they are controlling, and scaring everyone. A huge part of it is discussing law making. There is this mother of a child who ate 3 hamburgers, and then died from getting sick. She is speaking up for people so that such accidents don’t happen.

    Unhealthy food companies love to get out laws which obscure, and remove the knowledge from the consumers, they remove the labels, the ingredient lists to “not scare the people”. We increasingly became more ignorant about our food, and where it comes from, who is behind it. Companies feed cows corn even though they do not naturally eat it so they develop complications. It gets shown how unsanitary, crowded, and faeces filled murder production is.

    This documentary really shows how companies have these farmers on leashes, and how they do not care about their health, safety - they actively put them in debts, and pretty much own them. Just speaking up about anything can put you in court, these companies can sue you just for fun because they can.

    I loved seeing organic producers, and that there was an alternative to supermarkets. This is a 2008 documentary, so I wonder how anyone would make a similar one, and what information would be focused more on. This was brilliant, and I want to read the books of the authors which were featured. In a way I see a lot of the same authors everywhere which I suppose showcases how niche vegan academia still is which I don’t like. I definitely need to get more into it to understand or say anything about that tho haha.

    #foodinc #documentary #vegandocumentary #plantbased #nutrition #foodproduction #corn #veganic #foodcompanies #coruption
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    • I will watch this, thanks for sharing Nota
    • MikeLee There is a 2023 version too called Food Inc 2, I will watch it at as well some other time 🌱🌿🍀☘️🦋💐💝🦋🌱🍀🌿
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  •   MikeLee reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    The Game Changers is so information packed, the visuals are gorgeous, it is a very well filmed documentary. I love how it unpacks veganism from a new angle unlike a lot of repetitive vegan documentaries. It is the definition of converting someone by example as every person in it is thriving (well maybe not a dying grandpa).

    There are a couple studies in the middle of it which will turn off an ethical vegan as they are conducted with non-vegan meals. But scaring people about losing erections, and getting their blood muddy because of murder consumption is probably good!

    I love how easily, and clearly it presents the information about nutrients. Explains how everyone needs b12, and how plant protein is superior.

    It is fun hearing about all the athletes, and they are obviously highly regarded people in our society for their commitment to overly specific physical skills. All athletes have experienced tremendous advantages from a plant based diet. I really liked how there was a lady who cooked for a whole sports team custom meals, it seemed so wholesome.

    #gamechangers #thegamechangers #sports #nutrition #athlete #documentary #vegandocumentary #b12 #protein
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  •   StellaParis reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Love, love, love, love fellow vegans, people who can look truth in the eyes, and still share love 🌱☘️🌿🍀💚🐷🐮🐔
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  •   StellaParis reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Nota started a new discussion, Vegan affirmation share
    Vegan affirmation share
    Hey, I thought it would be nice to make a forum post full of affirmations, and good, wholesome energies ☘️💚🌱🙌 Feel free to drop your own feel good quotes or feel good movie recommendations 🌱💚🙌

    I love spending time with fellow vegans, and being...
    Hey, I thought it would be nice to make a forum post full of affirmations, and good, wholesome energies ☘️💚🌱🙌 Feel free to drop your own feel good quotes or feel good movie recommendations 🌱💚🙌

    I love spending time with fellow vegans, and being there for them. 🌿☘️🍀💚

    It is good to go outside, and breathe in the nature. ☘️🍀💚🌿🙌

    I love embracing my authentic self which happens to be vegan. 🌿💚☘️🌱

    Vegans, myself included, are understanding, kind, and can channel passion into people. 🌿☘️🌱🙌🍀

    I bring inspired, and excited energy into protests to magnetize people. 💚🌱☘️🌿
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    • Spending time in nature is the probably the main one for. Feel so at peace and mindful to every little thing going on around me.
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  •   ParkiAl reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    This is a review of the documentary "Food Choices" ☺️🌱

    Food Choices mostly focuses on the science behind eating a plant based diet, but then goes on to elaborate on the environment, and then the ethics. I learned that too much protein damages the body, and that fish oil doesn’t help with omega 3 at all. Animal flesh is full of omega 6 which causes a disbalance of omegas within our body. I love how even now I can still find new faults about the murder diet. Apparently all the low carb diets are similar, but they gave them different names.

    This documentary features a lot of vegan authors, it’s basically science after science. There were some cool vegan athletes. I feel like a lot of vegan documentaries use a very similar formula, and that it would be way more beneficial to differentiate, and cover different topics like sentience, animal biology, and diversity.

    I love that it is free on youtube like a lot of vegan documentaries. This is easily accessible, informational, straight to the point, no nonsense. Lots of people can benefit from this, and it promotes a low-fat wfpb diet which is the best diet. This is a low budget, let the experts talk documentary.

    #wfpb #wholefoodplantbased #vegandocumentary #vegandoc #freeonyoutube #science #plantbasednutrition
    #vegannutrition #nutrition
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  •   MikeLee reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    Nota Awarded the badge Journalist
    Loves browsing photos. To unlock this badge, you need to browse more than 1500 photos on the site.
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  •   LukeV reacted to this post about 1 month ago
    A review of the “Big Max” documentary

    I am glad it was made, but my observation is that it has little direction, and that you are left with making your own conclusion with not that much vegan education thrown in.

    There are a lot of people like Max, and having such a person can inspire other people just like him to ask themselves questions about what they are eating. This is throwing light on the dysfunctions, and people with these dysfunctions making them harder for society to avoid, and go into denial about. It is good to see that, but also it would be great to throw light on why these dynamics happen, and why people end up overweight in the first place, what the food industries do to get you hooked so that the viewers get a better sense of reality.

    This is such a frightening window into the shame of our society. You have this individual in this documentary who is completely separated from themselves, their addictions, and self-abandonment is completely supported by their environment. This completely showcases the gaslighting, cognitive dissonance, and apathy of our society. He is a walking trauma bag, and everyone enjoys being around him because they are just like him internally, their emotional world is just as damaged. None of these people are aware of this, and this level of dysfunction is normal for them. The way others treat him is also completely internalised, the part of him that feels lonely is so buried away that he cannot even point out any negative emotions that he is feeling. Every human feels negative emotions, it is a complete disconnection from feeling to be unable to point them out within oneself. Those people around him are also struggling with feeling their negative emotions, that’s why they are all friends, that’s why it all “works out” so well for all of them.

    Max needed deep healing, and psychological help to change food habits. They completely did not approach it from ethics, and the support, connection they got from this documentary, which is totally the main reason why someone would go vegan in these circumstances, most likely will be gone after it. The reason why someone goes overweight is because of deep psychological trauma, and issues. Fixing surface level symptoms like the diet doesn’t help, once the supportive environment is gone there is no reason to not revert to old habits. While I love all sorts of vegan activism, and methods this is too much off-hands for the viewer when most people viewing this won’t be vegan. It can be easy to brush off the impact, and the message of this documentary for non-vegans.

    It is concerning to end this documentary with camera shots of meat, and how much this person enjoyed it. It is disturbing how the smoking addiction is completely unaddressed. It seems that in order to stop the meat addiction they overfocused on other addictions instead. Letting people do what they want can be greatly healing, but I don’t think Max knew what eating animals truly entails, and this is a vegan documentary. At least some commentary on the nuances of this complex topic would have been nice, people don’t really know what to do with the darker aspects of themselves that get displayed in the media, and covering them is important to make people understand as much as possible.

    In conclusion I love that this documentary brings light to the problems, but I don’t see the right steps to solve them or steps that could greatly impact as many people as it possibly could. I want people like Max happy, thriving, and not in basements. I hope we start waking up to our shadows, and loving the parts of ourselves that we do not want to see. I get that this documentary was made with the best resources, and intentions in mind.
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