Hi there, thought it's time for an official Hello to everyone! 👋😊 This year will mark my 10-year Veganniversary, yayy ~ 💚🎉 It was after coming across a video on YouTube called "101 Reasons to Go Vegan" that I decided to kick all the remaining animal products out of my diet over night (was 3 years veggie at the time) – and started to make sure that any of my clothes, toiletries etc. were animal friendly too. One of the best decisions of my life! 🥰 Looking back, I feel very proud of this 18-year-old girl changing her lifestyle like that while living in a very non-vegan environment. I'd grown up in a rural part of Tyrol, Austria – beautiful mountains, woods, and fields all around but sadly very conservative overall. Moved to the UK 2 years later to be with my (vegan 💚) partner and was thrilled to learn that veganism was already much more mainstream in my new home towns (kept oscillating between Nottingham & Sheffield for a number of years). I came back to Austria, partner in tow, in 2023 – not forever but it's the best option for now. Really missing the vegan network we used to have. I guess my point is, I'm really happy to have found this vegan platform & excited to meet more people whose values align with my own. 😁 I'm currently training to become a mental health counsellor which I'm incredibly passionate about. ✨ Otherwise you'll find me plotting out my current novel, listening to a good audiobook or getting lost in the woodlands nearby. (Or procrastinating on all of the above in favour of some funny animal reels I forward to friends who never watch them 👀)...
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