By Nota on Monday, 26 August 2024
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As a society we have hidden away our needs, desires, and wants into the subconscious. Everyone deep down wants a world where animals aren’t being slaughtered - everyone watches cat videos, and loves the animals. Most people, however, do not want to acknowledge that they could ever possibly hurt them so they enact psychological defences, and barriers to keep evading the issues. We decided not to feel our feelings, and so we do not find out how to actually get what we need, we don’t even know what we actually need. Vegans need to remember how to feel as well to advocate for the animals as efficiently as possible.

Raising people’s awareness of their emotions by asking pointed questions creates conscious individuals who can go vegan. You want to hear what they think happens inside slaughterhouses, their perception of abuse, and their thoughts around vegans. You want to facilitate the thinking for them, not do the thinking for them. Putting words in people’s mouths disempowers them, makes them feel worthless, and raises their defence mechanisms. Most people do not seek the truth, but normalcy, most people aren’t INTJ’s like a lot of vegans are. We need to learn to meet any kind of person on their level, and help them to get past it by raising their awareness. An alcoholic mom will not receive messages the same way as a student of philosophy, they won’t even use the same language. This is easier to do through emotion than logic.

Raising awareness one on one (without extra videos, just talking) is only possible when you tune into your own emotions, when you do that you naturally start to feel other people, and understand what they need instinctually. Otherwise you are throwing darts while blindfolded which raises the difficulty for no reason. To tune in to your emotions you have to feel them, not think them. Ask yourself “What am I feeling right now?” if you feel like you aren’t feeling anything that is a feeling so bring your attention to it, and ask yourself again, over, and over again. Let yourself see colours, images, and memories which do not immediately make coherent sense, the longer you feel them the more insight you will discover. This is what your dreams at night do, but you can do this by yourself as well. This way you build emotional muscles, and can start to effectively use them during outreach. Most people do not have such muscle, this is a huge advantage! 🌱
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