By Nota on Monday, 26 August 2024
Posted in Vegan Forum
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Time is viewed as a currency today instead of the effort, and value that one puts out. We focus on events, and celebrations to put off our leisure, and view leisure time as something unimportant. We cannot see work as something that could also be leisure, and could actually be a beneficial, fun activity for us. We have seperated work from leisure.

This has terrible implications for the farm animals. If we cannot enjoy our time here on earth, and view it as something we have to endure then we manifest these unmet desires, and needs onto the animals. We are so unaware of our wellbeing that it affects everyone around us on scopes we cannot even begin to comprehend.

The farm animals are simply a currency to us today. We donโ€™t care about the most efficient, and beneficial ways to get food. We donโ€™t care whether our food contains murder or not. Food has become a means to an end rather than a system which benefits us, and brings us to health.

This sort of abandonment of quality permeates all sectors of society. It can truly be seen everywhere. This is what our modern society is defined as. Social media is becoming quicker. Relationships are becoming quicker. Travel is becoming quicker, but the pollution, mental, and physical, is running rampant, and with no stop.

Animal liberation to me would be a sign that we have addressed all these problems, and freed ourselves from the shackles of unsatisfying, lonely, and miserables lives as if we were also animals in slaughterhouses. It is not about forcing society to conform to laws as that would only put a band-aid on the problem, and it would be left unfixed for the upcoming generation.

Letโ€™s value our lives to create a world where all animals can be valued, and treated as equals.
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